Mr. Darcy’s Unforgettable Assembly

Book Cover: Mr. Darcy's Unforgettable Assembly
ISBN: 978-1-989212-97-4
Pages: 109
ISBN: 978-1-989212-96-7
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 in
Pages: 109

Darcy's evening at the Meryton assembly started poorly, and it doesn't appear as though it will improve.

What should have been a private conversation with his closest friend, Mr. Bingley, was interrupted by an eavesdropper who did not have the common sense or decency to keep her opinions to herself. He tried to soothe her injured feelings, but his efforts were scorned and belittled, and he is not sure what he should do next. Because of the argument she started, he is being unfairly judged by everyone in the building.

Adding to his woes, the woman is the sister of Bingley's new love interest and someone Darcy noticed almost as soon as they entered the assembly hall.

Darcy would prefer to spend his time getting to know this woman, but she has rebuffed all his attempts. She will not listen to anything he says and even had the audacity to fault his good-natured attempts to confess his own flaws!

If she was any other woman, he would walk away with no regrets, but Miss Elizabeth's mere proximity fills his senses and clouds his thoughts.

How can he declare his intentions if she won't stop insulting him long enough to make his acquaintance?

Will a single unfortunate mistake keep him from the woman he was meant to marry, or can he convince her to set her enmity aside?

Explore Darcy's side of the story in the Pride and Prejudice Variation, Mr. Darcy's Unforgettable Assembly, Part Two in the Elizabeth Said, Darcy Said series from author Colin Rowland.

Get your copy today!

Cover Artists:

Darcy did not know which woman Bingley was referring to, but their conversation had gone on too long to suit him. He had no desire to expose himself to the stares and uncomfortable remarks of people he was unfamiliar with and had no plan to meet.

“Your neighbors may consider her pretty, but she is nowhere near handsome enough to tempt me into asking for a dance. I can see no reason to make the acquaintance of someone so simple as the sister of your newest love interest. Please believe me, I am fine with watching you enjoy yourself. My company is not necessary for you to have fun.”

Bingley had looked up and away from Darcy’s face as he spoke, and Darcy felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach as a look of embarrassment wiped the smile from his lips.


“Lower your voice,” he whispered urgently. “People are listening and will take your words as a criticism of everyone in the county.”
Darcy shook his head, knowing the damage was done, but he could not keep his mouth from spewing its vitriol. He would do his best to make amends tomorrow, but right now he had to get Bingley to leave him alone.

“What if they can?” he continued. “Will they criticize me for telling the truth? You keep insisting I join in an activity against my will, and it surprises you when I get angry? I think that if anyone can hear me, they will have the good sense to ignore what I say, and the manners to keep this conversation to themselves.”

Bingley fixed Darcy with a disappointed look. “And you wonder about the reasons people so often find to dislike you before I introduce you. When will you learn not to voice what should be private thoughts when you are out in public?”

With a sigh, he nodded to someone standing behind Darcy and said, “Please forgive us, Miss Elizabeth, we did not see you sitting there. I am not trying to justify my friend’s behavior but want to tell you how terrible I feel for insulting you like this.”

Darcy turned to see Bingley addressing the same woman he had admired previously from afar. Up close, she was even more fascinating than she had been from across the hall, although the anger she was displaying, unfortunately, took some of the beauty from her face.